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Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Triumph of the Phallus

The Triumph of the Phallus; an anonymous French engraving after a drawing by Francesco Salviati. Early eighteenth century
Etching on three joined plates.

Height: 448 millimetres

Width: 1642 millimetres (overall platemark)
The three plates measure (left to right) 445 x 552; 448 x 542; and 444 x 548mm.

Copyright: British Museum

Inscription:  'Gravé d'apre`s le dessein original de François Salviati Peintre Florentin'

My reconstruction:

Salviati - Triumph of Furius Camillus, 1545, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence:

Return of The Phallus -version oj Jim Leon (1938_2002), this painting was used in issue 36 of Oz magazine (July 1971) - middle part on cover page, but the complete work was printed over two pages inside but in a two-colour version:
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